PyCon 2014 Notes
My notes from PyCon 2014.
John Perry Barlow
Go back – couple of fun quotes
All Your Ducks In A Row: Data Structures, Brandon Rhodes
Further reading:
- What your computer does while you wait
- Misaligning Data Can Increase Performance 12x, Dan Luu
- but python standard library doesn’t pay much attention to memory hierachies
- int is 24 bytes for 8 bytes of data, ref count, address of type, then data
- struct module, array module
- python special arracys, str, unicode, memoryview, etc
- NumPy array for math, Python array for I/O/talking to C libraries
- NumPy and Blaze
- “All problems in CS can be solved by another level of indirection.” – David Wheeler
- indirection: “Python: the language that gives you data structures w/o the actual data.”
- tuples can do bounds checks! ;)
- a thousand and a million, thousand: 3 0’s O(n), 4 0’s O(n ln n), 6 0’s O(x**2)
- speed vs. space tradeoff, lists 94% populated on average, 6% waste
- The Mighty Dictionary, PyCon 2010, Brandon Rhodes
- list is about order, dict is about association – OrderedDict does both
makes a class that uses a struct rather than a dict- bisect module – binary search
- deque list which can modify both ends
- heapq and PriorityQueue
- generally we’ve outsourced trees to the data persistence layer
- “The Clean Architecture in Python”, Brandon Rhodes, PyCon 2013
Cache me if you can,
- review on video
Decorators: A Powerful Weapon in your Python Aresenal, Colton Myers, @basepi
- SaltStack
- decorators wrap functions
- add functionality
- modify behvaiour
- setup/teardown
- diagnostics
- functions in Python are objects, first class functions
- functions can create other functions
- decorators are (usually) closures
@decorator is syntactic sugar:
@decorate def myfunc(): pass myfunc = decorate(myfunc)
- Good decorators are versatile, use *args and **kwargs
– copy__name__
- what about argspec, etc? wrapt, Graham Dumpleton
Porting from Python 2 to 3
- Testing story is critical
- Note port once, instead support 2 and 3 for some time
- Straddling 2 and 3
- use compatible subset of Python
- conditional imports for stdlib changes
- six can help but may not be necessary
- Supporting less than Python 2.6 is hard due to syntax changes
- 3.2 bare minimum for 3, 3.4 next LTS
- Missed due to Inder meeting, review on video
Death of JavaScript
- Missed due to Inder meeting, review on video
Getting starting with machine learning
- Good intro
Realtime analytics using Celery
- SciKit-learn
- Pika AMPQ library:
Distributed Computing Is Hard, Let’s Go Shopping
- Fallacies of Distributed Computing, Peter Deutsch
- LoggingAdapter
- Testing
- develop/test outside celery
- test with a single worker/job
- test with one work, multiple concurrent jobs
- test with multiple servers
an-in and Fan-out, Brett Slatkin
- The Crucial Components of Concurrency
- Why do we need Tulip?
- Fan-out: when one theread of control spawns one or more new threads of control
- Fan-in: when one thread of control gathers results from one or more threads of control
- Building a web crawler the old way:
- fetch
- extract
- crawl (breadth first search)
- The new way, using Tulip
- It’s everywhere!
- SQL: fan-out – join, fan-in – group by
- MapReduce, fan-out – map, fan-in – reduce
- Measurement: Histograms, Reservoir samplers, profilers, estimators
- PEP3156 - asyncio
- App Engine’s NDB library
- C# async/await – ES7 generators
- “Concurrency is not Parallelism”
- @haxor,
Lightning Talks, Friday PM
- Traversing the Montreal Metro with Python
- 12 yro Python programer
- Scrape interactive: @yarkot
- Pair programming the hackbright academy
- 10 week full stack developer training for women
- Teaching data science with Python
- Structured logging
- formatting, invisible to app code
- context
- structlog, wraps anything
- Python .NET, John Gill
- Certificate Based SSH, Bob VanZandt
- Physics of Bowling, Jack Diederich
- DIY stuffed animals
- blender, numpy and PIL
- 3-D model
- Positive Python: IRC channel
- #positivepython
Lightning Talks, Saturday AM
- peep
- pip install peep
- track hashes of downloaded packages
- socialite – hadoop replacement in python?
- Starting Simply / Gamify Health project
- Speeding up EventBrite with one line:
- re._MAXCACHE = 10000
- Software Gardening
- not much relationship to engineering
- more like taking care of a living thing
- hmm.
- look it up
Python, the next generation – Jessica McKellar
- Ask CS to count as math or science credit in HS
Python & Science – Fernando Pérez
- IPython
- Amazon Machine image of data and analysis
- Python for Signal Processing – on GitHub
- ndbiff – diff and merge IPython notebooks
Track memory leaks in Python – Victor Stinner
- import gc; gc.get_referents(data)
- objgraph
- heap fragmentation
- pytracemalloc:, only in 3.4, backports to 2.7 and 3.3
Designing Django’s Migrations – Andrew Godwin
- Author of South, “Please Stop Using MySQL”, Django 1.7 migration
- Original plan was to split parts into Django and then South 2
- Really should be a core part of Django
- Schema Editor and Migrations
- SchemaEditor: abstracts schema operations, works in terms of django fields/models, per db workarounds
- Migrations: migration file reader/writer, dependecy resolver, autodetector, applied/unapplied tracking
- New migration format: simpler, introspectable, etc
- PostgreSQL is fine, MySQL some problems, Oracle some problems, SQLite AAAAAHHHHHH!
- Lessons learnt:
- explicit is better than implicit
- abstracting DBs is hard
- composability rocks: eg. history squashing
- Feedback is vital
- Django 1.7 release May 15 to end of May
- future support for indicating if migration is blocking/non-blocking
Designing Poetic APIs – Erik Rose
- Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
- “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” - Wittgenstein
- Abstracting out symbols is the root of all human language.
- Don’t be an architecture astronaut
- The best libraries are extracted, not invented
- Consistency “Think like a wise man, but communicate in the language of the people.”
- get(key, default) like dict, not fetch(default, key)
- fail: need to reference your own documentation
- fail: are you inventing novel syntax? is it necessary?
- Brevity
- fail: copying chunks of code, probbaly too long
- fail: always setting an attribute to the same thing – default
- Composibility
- x84 BBS?
- eg. separate ptinr and formatted
- fail: classes with lots of state
- fail: deep inheritance hierarchies
- fail: violations of the law of Demeter
- fail: mocking and tests, too much mocking, too many dependencies
- testable code is decoupled code
- Plain Data
- a method should take what it needs, no more – eg. file object not filename
- fail: users immediately transforming your output
- fail: instantiating one object
- Grooviness
- Avoid nonsense representations
- Fail shallowly
- Resource acquisition is initalization: don’t have invariants that aren’t invariant
- have compelling examples
- fail: lack of clear starting point
- fail: long/complicated documentation
- Safety / Walls
- put barriers proportional to potential damage
- Exceptions > Return Values
- fail: docs that say “remember to…” or “make sure that…”
- fail: what’s the most dangerous thing this can do here, put barking dogs nearby
- Two clusters: lingual and mathematical
- Making Software: What really works and why
- RESTful Web APIs
Writing RESTful web services with Flask – Miguel Grinberg
- Missed due to lunch going long
Data intensive biology in the cloud: instrumenting ALL the things – Titus Brown
Discovering Python – David Beazley
- Using Python to analyze 1.5TB of source code for a lawsuit
Python Packaging
- Partial, headed to Web testing
Advanced techniques for Web functional testing – Julien Phalip
- Selenium
- Can be used to test responsive sites
- needle checking CSS styles:
- SauceLabs
Performance Testing and Profiling: A Virtuous Cycle – Dan Crosta in AB
- talke about stress test and load testing
Lightning Talks Saturday PM
- Pandas @sarah_guido
- Documenting history, how to write great commit messages
- Greg Ward #gergdocca
- why use VCS? memory & collaboration
- why you made that change?
- tell me why (and what if you like)
- tell me what you did and why
- brevity is the soul of wit
- pick a style and stick with it
- pick a grammatical mode and stick with it
- spelling counts (so does grammar and punctuation)
- teamwork counts TELL ME WHY
- dh-virtualenv
- marriage of deb packages and virtualenv
- Larry Hastings, Things You Didn’t Know
- shlex.split() – unquoute shell
- liskov violation: liskov substitution principle / rectangle/square problem
- inconsistent submodules: import all leaves in
- Machine Learning in Minutes
- Identification trees
- Reasoning vs.
- Bleeding edge packages: for users and developers alike
- bep – bleeding edge packages
- Home brewing with Python
- Distributing your Python Game
- mpld3: Matplotlib and D3
- plugins
- Server Security 101
Lightning Talks Sunday AM
- RaspberryPi
- fail2ban
- contentd
- How MatPlotLib made my robot not suck
- git-lockup
- also,
- python and natural language learning
Van Lindbergh
- distinguished service award: raymond hettinger
- community service award: r. david murray
- benjamin peterson
- open PSF membership
Guido van Rossum
- No 2.8
- geekdom
- exception expressions
- Kivy, python on mobile devices: site
- Python 3.4 is awesome, NumPy is close, Django and Flask aren’t quite there yet
- The worst part of contributing to cpython? very hard to get started
- Python 3 adoption
- Scientific/math support in core python?
- What kinds of things make you uncertain/insecure?
Talks I did not see, but looked good:
- Would like to see: Upgrade your Web Development Toolchain
- A Scenic Drive through the Django Request-Response Cycle
- Django: The good parts
- Pushing Python: Building a High Throughput, Low Latency System – Kevin Ballard
- In Depth PDB – Nathan Yergler
- It’s Dangerous to Go Alone: Battling the Invisible Monsters in Tech – Julie Pagano
- What is coming in Python packaging – Noah Kantrowitz
- Fast Python, Slow Python – Alex Gaynor
- Which messaging layer should you use if you want to build a loosely coupled distributed Python app? – Narahari Allamraju